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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:观后感 抗击 疫情 


  I believe that this extended winter vacation has brought us different feelings. Many people have never really felt that we are not only living as individuals, but also breathing and sharing our destiny with our times. Students were born before and after SARS. This is the first time you have ever faced a major national public health event in your memory.


  Through the news, we can see a face full of bruises, a pair of braids cut to avoid cross infection, a pair of hands corroded and cracked by disinfectant, and figures curled up on the ground for a while to rest. Young medical staff are focused on their own battle field;


  We saw that Zhong Nanshan, 84, was ordered to go retrograde in the face of danger. Zhang Dingyu, the president of Wuhan Jinyintan hospital, was suffering from progressive frostbite and was still racing with time to save his life. Academician Li Lanjuan, in his 70s, only slept for three hours a day, leading the team to keep up with the development of special drugs;


  We have seen journalists who have been holding fast to make in-depth reports and constantly disclosing the latest progress of the epidemic; we have seen workers who have been working day and night to build hospitals and make masks, and organizations from all walks of life who have coordinated and guaranteed support


  These retrograde backs, they stand up not to be heroes. They are keeping the land and doing their duty. SARS broke out in 2003, and the whole world guarded the post-80s and post-90s. 17 years later, the post-80s and the post-90s have come to guard the world. We can see that the children who were sitting in the classroom now change their clothes, learn from their predecessors, and carry on the load for more people.


  I hope that students will remember that the responsibility of the times will one day be entrusted to you. A few years later, when you are active in all walks of life in the motherland, I and all teachers are looking forward to seeing your conscience and profession. When you come into close contact with the most real wounds of this society one day, I hope you have the determination and strength to cure it. Before the challenge of history is handed over to you, it is the best way for students to take on the responsibilities at this stage. The school will do its best to let students save more wisdom and strength to meet future challenges in the three years of nanwai high school

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