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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:我想 你说 初中生 


  Once upon a time, when you went out, you would meet the scene of one after another and join the team of beating gongs and drums. Now, because of the epidemic, there is not a car on the road, and the empty streets make people shiver one by one.


  After the outbreak of the epidemic in Hubei Province, it quickly spread to all parts of the country. Today, Zhejiang has become the second worst hit area.


  Follow the words of academician Zhong Nanshan: "spring flowers bloom and move again." Every day, I would lie on the window and look out of the window - the north wind "Huhu" blowing, the leaves are not a bit green like dripping, the flowers do not know who bowed. Sometimes, the red sun will shine in the sky, making the world look more energetic.


  Listening to the news is my daily task. I often sit comfortably in bed, turn on my cell phone and brush the news about the epidemic. Or turn on the TV and listen to the epidemic situation with your family. Looking at the angels in white pay hard, drop after drop of sweat. I can't help frowning, puckering my lips, trying to jump up to them, take out my handkerchief, and pass away the crystal tears on their forehead for a paramedic. But where do they have time? They can't even eat a full meal


  In fact, home is a warm harbor. After being attacked by the epidemic, people stay at home every day, except for doctors and patients, everyone gets along with their relatives. We drink fresh tea, eat soft rice with our family, play chess next time, guess the answer again and again Every family without illness is full of grumpiness and laughter, expired snacks and fragrant meals.


  But at the same time, I also think that the families of those patients are immersed in pain and sadness. The epidemic is like a vast sea, which isolates them on both sides of the Taiwan Strait; the epidemic is like a dangerous and high mountain, which divides a family into two parts, one is at the top of the mountain, the other is at the foot of the mountain; the epidemic is like a door without key, which isolates a family on both sides of the door.


  This holiday is a special spring festival. Day by day, the epidemic has not improved, and the number of confirmed cases has increased. However, I have come to understand that life is priceless, and family love is a precious gift from God.

上一篇:关于2020疫情下的开学典礼初中英语作文范文带翻译 下一篇:关于疫情结束后想做的事初中的英语作文300字范文带翻译
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