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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:英语 疫情 想做 


  I used to think that the cherry blossom of Wuda was not good-looking at all. There are not many tourists and flowers. They are crowded to death. It often rains in Wuhan, and sometimes the flowers don't have to be seen. Huge crowds of people are asking me to borrow student cards every spring. The dining hall will be occupied by tourists. Classes will make complaints about the Cherry Blossoms Festival.


  But just now, I was talking with my classmate "boasting". It seems that we have never seen the cherry blossom of Wuda seriously.


  We have an appointment to wait for everything to pass and the cherry blossom to bloom again.


  I will bring her a delicious bean skin from Guangba Road, meet her at the lakeside, eat a bowl of super cheap hot dry noodles, then walk from despair slope to Sakura Avenue, go to Sakura top for a turn, and make an appointment with the library's personal study room.


  Go to Meiyuan canteen at noon. If there is pineapple rice, I must grab one. In the afternoon, I doze off on the sofa in the library of the Ministry of information, and then go to Xincao to bask in the sun. I want to walk to the Ministry of science and technology as soon as possible. I want to eat the sticky rice and oil sticks of the Ministry of science and technology, and I want the meat pine. By the way, I'll arrange a number of double happiness iron plate. When I pass the Wanlin Museum, I'll go to the roof to buy a cup of coffee, wear more Wuda, and have dinner.


  There must be a lot of food in the evening, so we'll explore Luojia mountain again, go up from the school hospital, and then come down from Luojia mountain villa. There must be a lot of running Ham's younger brothers and sisters on the 912 playground. We can roam on Sakura Avenue at will during the night when tourists are scattered.


  Only at this time can I really feel that the most ordinary days at that time are the happiest.


  When the cherry blossom is open, you are welcome to come again. Wuda is really beautiful and strong.

  @穆晨王: 我要去跑一次半马,顺便喂一下遭遇饥荒的红嘴鸥

  @King Mu Chen: I'm going to run once and a half, and feed the red billed Gull in famine by the way

  疫情结束后,我必须要去跑一次半马。 去旷野中奔跑,听着某个我很喜欢的节目,丢丢丢哒哒哒地跑。 顺便喂一下今年终于遭遇饥荒的红嘴鸥。

  After the outbreak, I have to run once and a half. Run in the wilderness, listen to a program I like very much, and run with a dada. By the way, this year's red billed Gull finally suffered from famine.

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