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发表时间:2020-03-03 ATG:作文 英语 叙事 


  My name is Zhang Taijia. I am an 8-year-old tiger from Chengdong primary school, Xingcheng City, 2005 (Class 2, year 1). I remember when I was in a kindergarten in a big factory, a teacher surnamed Liu saw that I couldn't add or subtract within 10, and suggested that I check my IQ. My grandfather didn't listen to her, so he transferred to a kindergarten. It's still not good to learn. Before going to school, Grandpa strengthened my study guidance, but the effect was not great.


  After I went to school, I met a teacher who changed me completely, that is our head teacher, Mr. Li Shiping. She didn't say that I had a low IQ and didn't think I was naughty. Instead, she loved me like a mother and guided me like an enlightening father. She taught me patiently and helped me over and over again. She taught people, laws and methods, and often came to visit home at home. He sacrificed a lot of his precious time. The teacher's efforts paid off.


  Under the care and instruction of Mr. Li, I have found self-confidence, and I have changed from a child with low IQ to a primary school student with great progress. At the mid-term parents' meeting, he was praised orally by the teacher. Under the guidance of all teachers, I know how to be a good student, that is, to know honor and disgrace, to study hard, to strive for progress, to practice, and to be a useful person for the society in the future.


  Because of my confidence, I began to learn calligraphy, painting, swimming and so on. I have made great progress in all aspects, which is to lay a solid foundation for being a good student.

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