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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:初中生 肺炎 疫情 


  Today is the 19th day of my return to my hometown and the 17th day of Wuhan's closure. First of all, I'd like to greet the medical staff working in the front line here. You've been working hard! I wish you all well! I also wish the infected and the diagnosed people all the tenacity to survive. Come on, Wuhan!


  The next day I went back to my hometown, Wuhan was closed, and then cities in Hubei Province were closed. Those who had planned to go back to Yichang to see their grandparents could not go back. In 2003, SARS was not closed. It seems that the epidemic situation is quite severe. Otherwise, academician Zhong Nanshan, 83, will not go out again and bear the heavy burden!


  Because our family came back from Wuhan, the hardest hit area. At the beginning, some villagers in the village criticized: what are they doing when they come back? I was very uncomfortable. What happened when I went back to my grandparents' house for the Spring Festival? My mother told me: "none of us expected the epidemic to be so serious. People's instinct is to protect themselves and exclude outsiders. We came back from Wuhan, No It is normal for people to have such a reaction to ensure whether they are carrying germs. We should all understand each other. " Dad said, "in order not to bring panic to everyone, our family has been isolated in the grandparents' home since now. Our activity scope is upstairs and downstairs, the front yard and backyard!" at an extraordinary time, our family agreed.


  Let me talk about some of the things that happened around these days. Every morning, the village committee and the local medical staff will send masks to every household, and disinfect water every few days. They will disinfect themselves at home. There are also special medical staff who come to the village to measure the temperature and consult the physical condition of the villagers who come back from Wuhan. Seeing that they are wearing snow-white protective clothing, masks and goggles, they rush around every village every day, and each work lasts four hours. During this period, they dare not eat or drink more water. They should be afraid of going to the toilet, and the limited protective clothing should be replaced, because the protective clothing is airtight, often sweaty, even tired than running, which is very hard. Every day, there are propaganda vehicles running through the streets to publicize the epidemic situation and protection knowledge to the villagers, so that every villager can understand the epidemic situation, not go out, and reduce the phenomenon of human to human transmission. I think this series of measures is very good, not only let us understand the epidemic, but also more importantly, reduce the risk of people going out to buy drugs and daily necessities, slow down the spread of the epidemic, which also reflects the government's humanization, reasonable and efficient consideration.


  In addition to the necessary study every day, I also disinfect the whole family with my parents, wash hands frequently, ventilate the room, bask in the quilt and exercise properly to avoid the virus. Grandpa and grandma are also willing to work hard and do our logistical work well. In front of the virus, human beings are insignificant. They can't isolate the virus and love. Drugs to inhibit the virus are being developed day and night. Huoshenshan has been officially put into use today. More hospitals are also under construction day and night, striving to put into use as soon as possible We all have the same aspiration and confidence.


  I am a student, can do not many things, only strengthen exercise, strengthen their own immunity, protect themselves, is a part of the motherland. Although I pay close attention to the news every day, it's not good to see the cold number increasing, but I believe that human beings can and will overcome the epidemic. Come on, Wuhan, China!

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