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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:我想 你说 初中生 


  In 2020, when the new year is coming, a war without gunpowder is going on. The word "novel coronavirus" is jumping into our eyes and threatening. This is a fight between life and virus. Tens of thousands of medical workers stood firm in the front line of the Anti Japanese War, and more medical workers asked for battle, bravely "retrograde" in the front line of the Anti Japanese war. They guard every patient with fearless spirit.


  This outbreak is a thunderbolt to us. It spread rapidly all over the country, infecting thousands of people. It makes people panic all day long and stay indoors. The big year, which should have been very busy, has also become cold and clear because of the epidemic. And they, medical workers bid farewell to their families and bravely went to the front line of the Anti Japanese War to support Wuhan.


  Among them are the parents of the children and the children of the parents. At the moment of receiving the information, they had to say goodbye to their loved ones and wear thick protective clothing to brave the front line. Are they not afraid? No, they are human beings, and they are afraid. They also want to be reunited with their families, but their identity and responsibilities are not allowed. Their identity always tells them: you must be in front of others! Use actions to reassure patients and family members.


  In the face of the epidemic, there is always a kind of strength that makes us cry. Qilu! Huaxi! The two elite "legions" shout from the air. A couple recognized each other in a thick protective suit in the medical center, and thousands of words were just a word of cheer! The 8-year-old boy took a deep breath when he thought of his parents We are moved by this series of things. As people say, the furthest distance in the world is not the end of the earth, but the distance between life and death. When the outbreak alarm goes off, you will be a rebel. In the face of the call of home, even if you are close, you are also deterred. You cry like a child in the face of your family's debt. But take up the responsibility and the burden, you are like a soldier. Please believe that you are never alone in the battle behind you are 1.4 billion children. We, hand in hand with each other, do not cross the border. There is no barrier that can't be crossed!


  We believe that love and hope will spread faster than the virus. Difficulties are temporary, but love is eternal. There is no insurmountable cold East, no spring that will not come. We work together, together waiting for spring!

上一篇:关于疫情结束后想做的事初中英语作文范文带翻译 下一篇:关于初中生面对新冠肺炎疫情我该怎么做英语作文范文带翻译
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