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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:观后感 抗击 疫情 


  Since the outbreak of the epidemic, Hubei has been the top priority of the national epidemic prevention and control. On January 23, Wuhan closed the city and suspended all public transportation. As a major disaster area, Wuhan people responded overnight and built firewalls with other regions at the cost of their own suffering. These actions are not "taken for granted" or "deserved", but are worthy of our respect and help.


  There are many ordinary people like you and me living in Wuhan. There are many students like you. They are also star catching, and they also love to go shopping and drink milk tea. Similarly, they occasionally feel hot and make complaints about their life. In this national disaster, Hubei people of Wuhan are the most suffering compatriots. At the moment, every ordinary person in Wuhan is suffering from all kinds of pressure, anxiety and grievance. We can experience less than one in a thousand. There are also millions of Wuhan compatriots living in other regions who are also facing various difficulties.


  We should always remember that we are fighting against viruses, not our compatriots. We can't shout "come on Wuhan" on the Internet and treat our compatriots in Wuhan who live in the same city coldly. People's worries about high-risk groups are understandable, but even if they can't help because of fear, the bottom line is not to discriminate.


  There is a term in medicine called "feeling of shame", also known as "feeling of stigma", which refers to a kind of psychological stress response of patients due to illness. The sense of shame makes patients not only suffer from physical pain, but also suffer from discrimination from the outside of society, which aggravates the sufferings of patients. This kind of discrimination will make some patients feel ashamed to cover up their illness, and thus unable to protect other healthy people. This is related to the patients' inner perception and social discrimination, which is the result of internal and external factors.


  Our compatriots in Wuhan have no original sin, and those from Hubei have no original sin. How we treat them today is actually how we treat ourselves tomorrow. We have received all kinds of education from small to large, which is to learn to actively obtain different perspectives, understand different people, experiences and history; let ourselves get the expansion of ideas, the deepening of empathy, and the broadening of vision. At the moment of the epidemic, we all need to be empathetic and help each other.

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