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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:我想 你说 初中生 


  From the beginning to the present, I have witnessed the history of this epidemic


  Wuhan is closed to the city, thousands of cities are closed to the road, thousands of villages are disconnected from each other, and the traffic is under control. People's emotions are gradually calmed down from the panic. People are squatting in their own homes, eager for the end of the epidemic.


  Every day, sitting in front of the TV, paying attention to the epidemic situation and refreshing the epidemic situation in real time affect our hearts, but there are always touching stories: a little sister in Wuhan opened a shop to deliver meals for doctors, and the little brother who came to pick up the meal said: "they have a lot of dishes, but the price is very low, absolutely losing money, we are very grateful to them."


  For such dedication and bravery, our admiration may be more than understanding. The words that my little sister brushed on the shop moved me, and perhaps made me understand her better: people always have to look up to something, go high, and support life and soul.


  When my father overcame all difficulties in the whole country, he just took our family to review "the sword". Maybe it's because of this special moment that I gradually understand the "sword". The so-called "light sword" is a kind of spirit. Li Yunlong bravely lit his sword to Chu Yunfei. Although it was not as good as Chu Yunfei's army at first, it became sharper and sharper, which made the opponent afraid. Our nation has grown up step by step from adversity. It has never lacked the heroes who will help the building. What's more, there are many heroes like us.


  Our country's doctors, nurses, soldiers, police and all those who rush to the front line are the backbone of the Chinese nation. Heroes of all ages are just ordinary people. Thank you for your unrequited efforts in life and death.


  Wait for us to get through and cheer for ourselves.


  Come on, Wuhan, China!

上一篇:关于疫情结束后想做的事初中的英语作文范文带翻译 下一篇:关于2020开学第一课抗击疫情观后感初中英语作文500字范文带翻译
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