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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:英语 疫情 想做 


  After the outbreak, the first person I want to see is a doctor.


  What I want to do most is to go to the hospital to check my hyperthyroidism.


  Three months ago, I got together with my friends. On the first day, I ate a lot of seafood. The next night, I drank two bottles of Wang Laoji. When I fell ill in the night, my feet were weak, and then I had difficulty moving. Then my hands and feet were paralyzed, and my body condition became worse and worse. In the morning, he was pushed into the emergency room by two friends, one on his back and the other on his back. The doctor diagnosed hypokalemia caused by hyperthyroidism. At this time, I knew that I actually had this disease. The reason for shaking hands for many years was hyperthyroidism.


  I only have enough methimazole tablets on hand for about one month. I can't stop taking them. But if the epidemic doesn't improve after one month, I really don't dare to go to the hospital.


  Home in the countryside, many nearby villages are closed, and not many people go shopping. There are not as many cars to the county as they used to be. If I want to go to the hospital for reexamination, I need to take a taxi and take a train for more than three hours. The staff is complex and I really don't feel safe.


  There should be many people like me who need to go to the hospital, but they don't dare to go to the hospital. I hope the epidemic will get better soon, so that we can feel at ease when we go out.


  @Swallow: when the epidemic is over, I will take my mother to the hospital for knee treatment


  My mother always said that her knee hurt. I didn't take it seriously before. I thought it was a common disease of old people.


  This time, I stayed at home for more than half a month because of the epidemic. I got along with her day and night, and found that knee pain was very painful to people. Every time she went upstairs, she had to rest for a long time. Every night, she couldn't sleep because of the pain. Her left knee was swollen badly. I wanted to smoke her with moxibustion, but there was no moxa stick at home, and I dare not go to the drugstore to buy it.


  When the epidemic is over, take her to the hospital and buy her some moxa sticks - just like when I was a child, I had an uncomfortable mother to take me to the hospital immediately.

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