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发表时间:2020-04-29 ATG:作文 英语 中新 


  In a twinkling of an eye, I have been studying in the new school and new environment for a month. That strange face has gradually turned into a familiar face in my memory.


  Xue Jiayuan, my deskmate on my first day of school, is a cheerful, cheerful, ruddy faced, stout, short fat man with a big stomach. His favorite pastime is nothing but eating and drinking. In the bulging fat of his face, he has a pair of small eyes, like dough with two small coal balls inlaid by naughty children. He had a short, thick nose, with the nostrils slightly raised, a little provocative and mischievous. His biggest characteristic is his ears. Those two strange ears can be used to cover his eyes in case of sandstorm. His body is very strong, a pair of small arms are fat, white and strong, like a mallet, he often raises his small fist and makes a boxing gesture. There is also a pair of short fat thighs, wearing fat pants, like two upright round pillows.


  He likes to play cool in front of people; sometimes he also plays a pathetic look, which is really funny, so in our class, we can always hear the "gossip" because of him.


  I remember one time, it was English class. Mr. Tang was giving us a lecture vividly. At this time, I don't know who told me and my classmates a "explosive news" - Xue Jiayuan was watching his belly. I don't believe it. Looking at the corner of the classroom, I saw him lift up his clothes to reveal his round and chubby "big fat". He was looking at his belly with puzzled eyes, and his hands were fiddling with something from time to time. I couldn't help laughing at his discomfiture. Other students around him were also laughed to death by his funny actions, but he didn't know Ah! This fool!


  I remember another time when I took a labor technology class, this time I made a painting by hand with a can. Because he forgot to bring all the tools in the labor skill class, he was bored when we made it, so he had to pretend that he was angry and funny again, with a rogue appearance, and he said: "mmm Please, lend me scissors and cans for a while? "" no, I have to finish my homework! Last time you broke my two cans, this time I won't be so stupid! "" woo Please, it's the last time. I'll never break it this time. I'm really bored! "I still don't believe him, because he promised it the first two times, but the truth is ! I was ruthless, and answered his two cold words "no way!" he looked miserable and disappointed, and said: "Wang Yuting, how can you be so merciless!..." I was really amused by his appearance.


  This is him, a lively, cheerful, mischievous, intelligent but always make the teacher angry chubby little guy.

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