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发表时间:2020-02-07 ATG:作文 英语 翻译 



  Today, it's the first snow in 2020. I was so excited that I finished my meal, picked up my schoolbag and hurried out of the house.


  WOW! How beautiful! The white and flawless snowflakes come down from the sky, houses, trees and the earth are all covered with silver. I feel like I am in a fairy tale world. I think of a poem: the snow and plum are fighting for the spring, but they are not willing to come down, and the poet's Pavilion has paid for comments. The plum blossom is not as white as the snow, but the snow loses its fragrance. At this time, if you can find a tree and a tree of plum blossom, how lucky you are!


  The snowflakes flying all over the sky are like feathers falling gently, dancing in the sky covered with dark clouds. They are as light as smoke, as soft as willow catkins, so pure, pure and crystal clear. They are so light and silent. Each snowflake is like a euphemism, melodious and fresh music, like a light, harmonious and bright poem.


  I came to the school unconsciously. The school was covered by the white cotton quilt that winter girl brought from the sky.


  You see, there's a little hat on the roof. The wall looks like a white python, stretching out to the gray and yellow grass. The grass falls asleep in the white cotton quilt. The flowers also fall asleep safely under the quilt. The beautiful willow has dyed a head of white hair. Only the dark green pines and cypresses stand up and look indomitable. A gust of wind blew, and the snow on the branch fell.


  After class, everyone braved the snow happily to fight snowball. When I was preparing to take a snowball, "pa!" The sound, a sharp cold, into my neck. "Ah! I'm so cold. Who is it? " I took the snowball I just made, and Zhao Zixuan beside me was laughing. "It must be him." I rushed to him step by step, throwing the snowball in my hand. Zhao Zixuan immediately opened a white fireworks on his head. When I was gloating and dancing, another snowball suddenly hit my back. It was a mantis catching cicadas. Huang was behind. I turned to chasing another classmate


  I really like snowy days. It makes my life full of reverie and happiness.

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