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发表时间:2019-09-14 ATG:作文 英语 小狗 


  When people are frightened, they will instinctively "ah" shout, especially when they encounter some frightening things, or watch some horror movies, and when they see some frightening stories, they will feel very frightened. So what if it's a dog? When they watch horror movies, how will they react? Will they be the same as humans? Are they afraid?


  No, a naughty owner tried to prove his idea by testing his dog at home. This day, after dinner. The owner said to the dog, "You're doing well today, so give you a reward for watching TV!" Don't mention how happy the dog is when he hears that he can watch TV. So, he finished his dinner early and sat down next to the TV play obediently. Because in normal times, the owner always watches TV such as cartoons for himself, and the dog likes it very much, especially when he sees his own kind, let alone how excited he is. Unexpectedly, today the master will show himself, it is so happy! However, when the owner turned on the TV and showed the horror film to the dog, the dog felt very strange. Why is the TV plot a little different today? He looked at his master in surprise, and of course he understood what he meant, so he said, "Why, don't you want to see it?" It's nice. I'll give you a fresh one today. When the dog listened, he looked good again. Maybe it'll look good in a minute. It's better to have a fresh one. So he looked at it seriously and did it respectfully, just like a pupil who was in a serious class. The expression really turned upside down. But then, looking, looking, suddenly a horrible lens appeared in it. Oh dear! My dear! Why is it so scary? When the dog saw this frightening scene, he turned his head directly and did not see it. It was so frightening! Master! What did you show me today? It's terrible. I'm scared out of my soul. I really scared the baby to death. When the owner saw this expression, he was very happy.


  Unexpectedly, dogs and humans will instinctively show fear when they see something terrible. However, I believe that the next time the owner invites the dog to watch horror movies, he must avoid it.

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