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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:观后感 抗击 疫情 


  I think this Spring Festival must have been a "panic". I guess even the students who like to stay at home most can't stay. A novel coronavirus epidemic that was originally reunited and bustling, was destroyed by a sudden outbreak of a new coronavirus. We could not go out to play, not to visit relatives and friends, to go out to dinner, to keep our family in the fight against epidemic situation and to do our duty. Here, I want to say "thank you" to all my classmates and teachers. Thank you for protecting yourself. The news updates the epidemic report every day. It's not just the data that changes, it's every living person. And behind everyone is a living family. The beating of these numbers affects the hearts of all of us. I believe that the students of nanwai high school must be concerned about the front line and the country. At the same time, many students were worried about the people who were fighting in the front line of the epidemic, but they felt powerless and could not help. Please don't think that you are ordinary students. You can't contribute to the current war. When a country is in trouble, to do its part well is to contribute. To protect yourself is to protect the people around you and the doctors and nurses on the front line. Thank you.


  At present, the situation of the prevention and control of the epidemic is still severe. Please do a good job of epidemic prevention together with your family, avoid going out in non emergency situations, try not to go to densely populated places, do not participate in personnel gathering activities, live a regular and healthy life. At this moment, we are staying in a home that is a little bit boring and anxious. It is the home that many front-line personnel want to go back but can't. In this spring, which affects the hearts and minds of all countries, each of us can't stand out. At the same time, this epidemic is also an education for each of us. Only by facing up to such experience and learning from difficulties can we live up to such a painful experience. In the face of this unexpected "life lesson", I have some thoughts to share with my classmates.

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