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发表时间:2019-09-06 ATG:作文 学英语 翻译 



  As the saying goes, every family has a difficult lesson to read, our class is no exception, but our class's lesson is not a general difficult lesson to read. Let's talk about Wei Tiehong, the "king of delicacies" with "little fame". Wei Tiehong's white face looks like a fork cooked bun that has not been kneaded and unfolded yet. He also "owns" a short, bear-clawed hand dragged by the fat people, which is difficult to grow tall. In a word: such as wheels and tyres on the body of a fat body. By the way, if you walk behind him, you will inadvertently find half of his buttocks that can't be covered by his pants. Wei Tiehong looks like a Kawayi, but what he did was a big surprise.


  He's delicious, but there's evidence. For example, at noon when he was waiting in the dining hall to receive his meal, Wei Tiehong stared at the students in front of him, seemingly trying to "kill" them one by one, so that he could get his meal quickly. After receiving the meal, Wei Tiehong immediately rushed to grab a bowl to fill the soup. He had to fill it up. Then he stood there, drank a big mouthful and filled it again, fearing that he might lose a little. During the meal, Wei Tiehong's lips kept opening and closing up and down, and from time to time he made a voice of "haw haw haw". It was disgusting! Just sitting next to him and listening to the voice, my stomach could not stand him. I was crossing the river and falling into the sea. What's more, when I looked up opposite him, I saw the eagle who was most unwilling to see him eat like that. Well, I can even see in Miss Eagle's eyes the fires that want to burn Wei Tiehong into slag.


  Wei Tiehong finally finished his meal, and Miss Hawk and I thought we could get away with it. Who knows, his eyes are still looking at some of the millet grains and vegetable juice on the plate. He has to do so-called "CD-ROM Action". He repeatedly licks the whole plate, including the dead corner, with his thick tongue covered with tongue coating, before reluctantly dragging his slow steps, holding a round "beer belly" and pouring the bones and peels and putting them in place. Dining utensils. After returning to his seat, Wei Tiehong was quietly reading there. When it comes to reading, it's too much to praise him. At best, he flips a book in his hand and stares at the food on someone's plate. He wants to turn himself into a giraffe and stretch his head directly into someone else's plate to finish the food. I opened my eyes and opened my mouth and took a deep breath. I thought, "this bear child, I still want to eat! How can I eat it? How many litres of milk do I drink every day when I was a child?" when the queue came to the dining hall to enter the dormitory, Wei Tiehong still had to walk at the end. His nose was bigger than the nostrils of the pig, and he sniffed the dishes in the dining hall, which seemed like endless aftertastes. People behind him urged him to leave quickly. I'm afraid Wei Tiehong will not go home for the rest of his life.


  You said, how could it be good to read a sutra like this alone in our class?

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