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发表时间:2020-03-01 ATG:作文 英语 翻译 


  Another beautiful spring day. In the spring of the recovery of all things, Miss Liu took off her silver white dress, put on her Green Neon skirt, swayed in the green blanket, her little brother was waving to us, and her sister was smiling to us.


  March is not only a season for the recovery of all things, but also a "Lei Feng season". Everyone strives to be Lei Feng, inherits Lei Feng's spirit, and strives to be the pioneer of the times. And there is a person with Lei Feng's spirit beside me. Let's listen to me.


  I remember that there was a cleaner aunt who would come to the gate of this community every day to feed the lonely stray animals. This cleaner aunt came to work this week. All the places she cleaned are spotless and very clean, so she is deeply loved by people in this community. Suddenly, one day, it rained heavily. My aunt hurriedly cleaned up and went to the stray animals. When she got there, she saw a stray cat lying in a wet puddle, dying and with a lot of blood. The cleaning aunt braved the heavy rain, hugged the stray cat tightly in her arms, and didn't let it drench with a drop of rain, but she became a mess of "drowned in soup". When she arrived at the hospital, the doctor saw that there was blood on the stray cat in her arms. He hurriedly carried the stray cat into the operating room, and then asked the nurse to take a blanket to the cleaning aunt. Don't let the cleaning aunt catch cold. Cleaning aunt half wrapped in blanket, thinking about stray cat: "this little animal will be ok? God protect it. " After an hour, the stray cat was lying on the sickbed feebly. The doctor said: "mother and son are safe. Now it's a little feeble. It's OK to have a rest." My aunt was ecstatic. After going back, my aunt took all the stray animals back home so that they would not be hurt again.


  People's life is to learn the basic principles of being human, to make contributions to society and inherit the spirit of Lei Feng. It is because of this that a dazzling and wonderful picture and a touch of bright colors are added to the beautiful spring. This color is unique!

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