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发表时间:2019-09-07 ATG:作文 英语 爷爷 



  Grandpa's taste comes from the plain land of that side.


  Grandpa's taste comes from the delicate tea bowl.


  Grandpa's taste comes from the rich wine.


  Grandpa's taste comes from the subtle fragrance of ink.


  How many autumn, winter, spring and summer does it take to make a pinch of ancient tea after thousands of years of loneliness and wind drying? The poems of Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty can not be soaked in Qin bricks and Han tiles, the bells of morning and evening, and the sand of the post road. A pinch of ancient tea scattered in Grandpa's bowl, danced and rotated in the water, exuding a refreshing fragrance. That's the taste of Grandpa.


  Flowers and grass grow in spring, hot sunshine in summer, deciduous leaves in autumn wind, snow in winter. Hold on to one side of the land and watch the flowers blossom and fall all year round; the sunrise returns to the West all day long; the cloudy and sunny days in one season; until a fruitful harvest. The small courtyard is full of sweet and delicious fragrance. Business here is bleak with apple green, watermelon red and apricot yellow.  That wisp of sweet fruit aroma, sustenance of Grandpa's taste.


  Grandpa is very ordinary, in the vast crowd, it is difficult to find his figure. He didn't have Du Fu "who would be the top of the list and have a good view of all the hills and mountains." Like a heroic ambition, there is no Li Yu "cutting constantly, straightening out chaos." Same melancholy and sadness, not to mention Mao Zedong's "singing cock world white, Wanfang music has more than heard." Like a great achievement. Grandpa is very ordinary. Grandpa can only do what he should do well. When you are young, you should do your job well and manage your family's livelihood well. After retirement, raise your own flowers and plant your own trees.


  When I was young, I often went home with my grandfather. The home is dozens of miles away from the county, and it takes less than half an hour by bus. But every time Grandpa returns home, he boards a car for two or three hours. Besides, he is a bicycle with a long history and can play music. Grandpa carried me, the sunrise shining on our faces, so gentle, so comfortable. Walking on the small stone road in the countryside, the shade of trees covered the whole path, dropping a few drops of liquid between the leaves from time to time. So I cried in surprise, "Oh, Grandpa, it's raining. What should I do? What to do? That's the worm's urine." Grandpa laughed. "What? Insects pee on my face. I'm very angry. "Haha." Grandpa's laughter echoed among the trees, and I saw his inlaid teeth shining in the sun.


  In the long river of memory, there is such a trickle that I remember. That's --- braised pork


  Grandpa's taste also came from the delicious bowl of roast meat. Every time Grandpa and I cooked meat, it was not only a bitter wait, but also a wonderful enjoyment. Waiting is the process, enjoying is the result. Early in the morning, Grandpa prepared all kinds of seasonings and flesh that he had just bought in the market. Take out a casserole and start work... Wait, wait. I don't know if I eat too little in the morning or if I can't help tempting my stomach. Always screaming and screaming there. "Grandpa, all right?" I started urging for the first time. "Hurry up. You can't eat good meat in a hurry!" Grandpa said as he adjusted the fire. The second time, the third time, the third time, after the N time of urging, finally waited until a "meat is ready, bowl!" It's like starting the pot, lifting the lid of the pot, and Halazi wants to fall in. Several pieces of meat were floating on it, and some were spinning because of the stirring just now. Like red and white lotus flowers blooming on a lake. So attractive. It is also accompanied by pepper, large materials and things like leaves and bark, which make people salivate.


  Grandpa poured a glass of wine, tasted the wine and ate his own meat. That's a comfort, that's a comfort. Meat usually does more than one meal. In the evening, take the heat. Set tables in the yard and a few stools. While cool to go out for a day of hot and dry, while eating just hot roast meat. Looking up at the sky, there are many stars in the sky. A bright moon reflected the farmyard. Under the ginkgo tree, my grandfather and I began to talk freely.


  "Grandpa, when do we have robots?"


  "When you're fifteen, he'll be our nanny!"


  "Grandpa, is there really Chang'e in the sky?"


  "Why not?" I've seen it before."


  ... At that time, I only thought Grandpa was good. But I'm fifteen years old this year. After all, robots didn't act as our nanny.


  We are in high spirits. Our minds have already flown to the sky. We have forgotten the time. The meat in the bowl has been cold for half a day. The moon was clear, the stars were blinking and listening to our talk there. In the moonlight, the joy of our children and grandchildren is reflected.


  Having passed Huajia, Grandpa has gone through sixty years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, winter and summer, time passing by minute by minute. The old clock hanging in the room had already knocked off Grandpa's teeth and dyed his hair white. His footprints were quietly covered with Grandpa's whole face.


  But Grandpa's taste is still so clear, because it has already been sealed in my heart.

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