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发表时间:2020-03-01 ATG:作文 英语 节日 


  "In the sound of firecrackers, the spring breeze warms Tu su.". This is the most lively and happy time of the year - Spring Festival. At this time, people will make dumplings, set off firecrackers, wear new clothes, paste red couplets, and every household will go to the street to buy vegetables and meat. The market is full of people.


  During the Spring Festival, the children will be particularly excited, because they can't wait. As long as it's evening, there will be many dishes. The whole family will sit around the table and eat the food with a big mouth. The air in the whole room will stop. The fragrance will run from the dishes to all corners of the room, and then jump into our nose. There is another thing, that is, to send red envelopes. Nothing is more exciting than this.


  In my family, my sister, Grandpa and grandma, dad and mom all want to give us red packets, but my dad never gives us red packets, and I don't know what he thinks. In fact, my mother didn't send red envelopes, but that's normal. My sister and I gave all the red envelopes to my mother, because she helped us pay the tuition, but my tuition is not enough. This year's tuition is 2400 yuan, and the money I received is only about 2000 yuan. What I want to thank most is my grandparents. They gave me 600 yuan. So did my sister. They gave it together. It was the same last year. But it's 100 less than this year. My new year's money has been saved for less than three years. It was my grandma who saved it.


  New year's Day is a children's festival. The children of my relatives come to our home. Singing and dancing in the rose rain, everyone was very happy. What is rose rain? The so-called rose rain is just a little game for children. A year ago, they went to the big garden opposite to collect roses. When they got home, they picked up petals on the lawn and put them into a small basket. When they finished their dinner, the children would choose two people to build a high-rise building (if it was stable) on the empty floor of the room. They would stand up and carry the basket Others put petals on them, just like the rain of roses. Of course, not only the children, but also many adults come to join us.


  When fireworks ring, it means a new year is coming!

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