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发表时间:2020-04-29 ATG:作文 英语 姐姐 


  Today, I would like to introduce my sister to you. My sister is a very ordinary person. Her white face, curved eyebrows, like willow leaves; a pair of crystal clear eyes, like two transparent and shining stars in the night sky; Under her eyes, there is a sharp nose and a cherry like mouth. There is always a knowing smile on her sharp face.


  My sister is very helpful. Next, I will tell you such a story. It was one day in summer vacation. My sister took me to Fangta street to go shopping. We walked leisurely on the side of the road. Suddenly, a cry came from the opposite side. It turned out that a little girl fell down. She sat on the concrete floor, and her tears kept flowing down her eyes. But this action did not attract the attention of passers-by. No one wanted to help her, but Pitiful little girl, had to sit on the cement floor and cry. At this time, the elder sister couldn't help it. She resolutely went to the little girl's side, picked her up carefully, and then patted the dust on her body. Then, my sister took out a napkin from her pocket to dry the tears on her face. Just then, an aunt in a blue dress came over. She turned out to be the little girl's mother. The elder sister told the aunt one by one what had happened just now. She was very grateful to her elder sister. She had to pay her elder sister accordingly, but she refused to accept it. She said that she should do all these things. This aunt sees elder sister not to accept also not to force her, so she thanks to elder sister again after, body left.


  My sister came back to me and went on. In the process of walking, I asked my elder sister a question. I asked her, "just now, why don't you accept the reward?" my elder sister turned around and said with a smile, "helping her is what I should do. How can I get the reward?" my elder sister's words made me ten points ashamed. In my opinion, since I have paid, I must have paid back, but after listening to her, I heard it After elder sister's words, my concept has been completely eliminated. I must learn from elder sister and be a person who is not only willing to help others, but also does not ask for return.

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