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发表时间:2019-11-16 ATG:作文 英语 四年级 


  "Paste Spring Festival couplets, set off firecrackers, wear new clothes, worship the Spring Festival, collect red envelopes" is the necessary custom of the Spring Festival every year, this year's Spring Festival is no exception.


  In the afternoon of new year's Eve, Grandpa and dad pasted couplets. I was busy helping paste the couplets. The red couplets were pasted on the door, kitchen door and living room door, and the word "Fu" was pasted on the windows. I especially like the spring festival couplet at the gate. The first couplet is "happy to take care of everything in the family" and the second couplet is "happy to live in the treasure land for thousands of years". It indicates that the whole family is happy, healthy, and prosperous. Soon all the Spring Festival couplets have been pasted. It's really happy to see the fruits of my work!


  After pasting the spring festival couplet, Dad took out the firecrackers that had been prepared for a long time. We watched dad,


  Bursts of "crackling" firecrackers sound, like singing, singing our happy life, as well as sending blessings to thousands of families, I wish you a happy New Year!


  On the morning of the first day of the new year, I got up very early. I went to grandma's room to kowtow to grandma and grandpa in the morning. I wish grandma and grandpa good health and happy every day. Grandpa and grandma were very happy to hear this, and gave me a lot of lucky money. I was very happy when I received the red envelope. I'm one year older. I should be more sensible and filial.


  Spring Festival these days, everywhere is laughter, we meet the first sentence is: good new year! Happy new year!


  It's a great new year! I like Chinese New Year!

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