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发表时间:2019-12-04 ATG:作文 英语 四年级 


  I like Chinese New Year. I heard there is a legend about it. I checked it online.


  A long time ago, there was a monster named Nian. It lived in the deep sea with long sharp horns. Every new year's Eve, it climbed up to the shore to devour livestock and hurt people's lives. Therefore, every new year's Eve, people in villages and villages helped the old and the young to flee to the mountains to avoid the injury of Nian.


  This year's new year's Eve, the villagers are busy packing things to escape to the mountains.


  At this time, an old man with white hair came to the east of the village and said to an old woman that if he could stay in her house for one night, he would be able to drive the "Nian" beast away.


  They didn't believe it. The old woman advised him to go up the mountain to escape. The old man insisted on staying. When they saw that they couldn't persuade him, they went up the mountain to escape.


  When the "new year" beast was ready to rush into the village as usual, suddenly came the sound of firecrackers from the old man with white hair. The "new year" beast shuddered and dared not move forward.


  It turns out that "Nian" animals are most afraid of red, fire and explosion.


  At this time, the gate opened wide, only to see an old man wearing a red robe in the hospital laughing, "Nian" beast was shocked and ran away.


  The next day, when people came to the village from the deep mountain, they found the village safe and sound.


  It suddenly dawned on us that the old man with white hair was the immortal who helped us expel the "Nian" beast.


  At the same time, people also found three magic weapons for the old man with white hair to expel the "Nian" beast.


  Since then, every year on New Year's Eve, every family has pasted red couplets, set off firecrackers, and every household has bright lights, waiting for the new year.


  This custom spread more and more widely, and became the most solemn traditional festival of Chinese folk "new year". Ferocious anomaly


  It's evening after I finished checking. I went to bed. My father set off firecrackers before I woke up. I was woken up by my father. Dad said: "red couplets, firecrackers, these are things to do in the new year." Mother said, "don't you know the origin of the new year?" I said, "yes." "Mom said:" you said that all the year to do "I said:" New Year's day every family to paste red couplets, set off firecrackers, household lights, guard more waiting for the year The mother said, "the son is wonderful." I said, "this is what I checked yesterday."


  I must carry on this custom. Every family must live through this custom.

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