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发表时间:2019-11-07 ATG:作文 英语 四年级 


  I have a computer at home. I bought it two years ago. Before I bought it, I didn't know what the computer was and what it was used for. My computer is desktop. It is composed of mainframe, monitor, keyboard, mouse and sound!


  It's so useful that you can talk to people without meeting them. For example, if you are in Shanghai and your friend is in Hainan, if you two surf the Internet together, you can talk to him for a few words. Besides, if we have something we don't understand to check, we can also check it on Baidu website. Some people like to play games, so can we!


  I like surfing the Internet very much. I often chat with my classmates and play small games. My mother found a website for me to listen to storytelling on the Internet. After downloading it, I can listen to everything. Now I am listening to five thousand years ago. I have heard more than 40 episodes. I have also set up a blog of my own on the Internet. I have written many articles and typed them on it, so that you can come here Look, I have built a blog circle of my own. If you have a blog, please add me! I'm waiting for you!


  My mother's main purpose of surfing the Internet is to check the information for me. For example, in social class, when we want to talk about Qin Shihuang, my mother will go online to find the information about Qin Shihuang; my mother will also help me to type my composition, manage my blog and blog circle, and sometimes watch Korean dramas!


  It's easier for Dad to surf the Internet, either to play his "hot blood legend" game or watch horror movies!


  Do you think this computer is good? If so, you can buy one too! OK?

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