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发表时间:2020-02-26 ATG:作文 英语 妇女节 


  March 8 is a women's day, that is, a women's day. Speaking of this, do you make your mother happy? If so, write it down!


  On March 8, we happened to have a half day off. I invited Xiao Jiamin and ye Mengxin to bizhou Park in the afternoon. Both sides agreed to let go of school. As I walked on my way home, I thought: what is the gift for my mother in the afternoon? I thought about it for a while. At last, I thought about it, such as greeting cards, flowers, surprises, helping my mother with housework


  In the afternoon, my mother and I came out together and couldn't wait to go to the park. He said to his mother, "Mom, I'll come back soon after playing in the park." Mom said, "OK, then you should pay attention to safety." I ran away in a flash. When we came to the park, we came to the other side of the river with colorful flowers. We picked a long spring greeting flower. First, we tied the two sides together, then tied them, then picked some, then filled them up. After a few minutes, everyone finished. I was so excited. After a while, my friends and I said goodbye to each other. I was very happy I came to my mother and saw her sad face because I was late and worried about her. I quietly stood behind my mother, and then put the wreath on her head. At this time, my mother looked back, and I said with a funny look, "I wish you a happy holiday!" Suddenly my mother's eyes opened, and when it was time to get off work, we went home happily.


  Here, I wish a happy women's day all over the world!

上一篇:四年级英语作文带翻译:家乡的春节 下一篇:小学英语作文范文带翻译:可爱的男孩子
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