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发表时间:2020-03-25 ATG:作文 父亲节 英语 


  It's summer and father's day again! Some people say that the greatest love in the world is mother's love, and I want to say loudly: "father's love is also great!" In my mind: father's love is warm sunshine, always so selfless; father's love is silent stream, always so implicit; father's love is lofty mountain, always so noble


  Paternal love is like fire.


  Father's love is like a fire that warms me all the time. I remember your strong hands, holding me up over my head again and again, playing the game of "long and high". At that time, you and I laughed together. It's self-evident that you were happy. I also remember sitting on your warm and broad back and "riding a horse". I thought the horses in the world were so gentle and comfortable. These two "entertainment games" are the most enjoyable and addictive games in my life.


  Father's love is like an umbrella


  Father's love is like an umbrella to protect us from the wind and rain. Every time I see a bicycle, I think of the happy time when I was in the first grade of primary school. The humble bicycle bears witness to the warmth and happiness of you and me. On a sunny day, you called me to school early. I sat on the exclusive "little basket". We talked and laughed, and unconsciously arrived at the school. On a rainy day, you use your thin back to protect me from the wind and rain, but you are drenched in the soup.


  In the fourth grade, due to the aggravation of the learning task, you specially made the noodles with shredded pork and green pepper for me every morning in order to add nutrition to the skinny me. In winter, after eating the meat noodles he made, the cold immediately disappeared, because there was a strong father's love.


  Father's love is like a lamp.


  Father's love is like a lamp that lights my way forward. As time flies, he is going to junior high school in an instant. In order to further my study, he broke his heart. The day and night's hard work made his handsome face full of wrinkles. But sometimes I don't know how to say a word or two, he always said nothing. Think of this, I have tears, no longer have the courage to think


  Dad, at this time I just want to say to you: "Dad, thank you for your care and Cultivation for me all the time! Happy father's Day! My son will live up to your expectations! "


  Finally, on behalf of the world's children, I said to the world's father, "Dad, I wish you a happy holiday!"

上一篇:关于父亲节的英语作文范文带翻译500字 下一篇:关于父亲节祝福的英语作文带翻译3200字
  • 父亲节_父亲节英语作文带翻译
  • 关于父亲节祝福的英语作文带翻译3200字
  • 为父亲捶背_父亲节英语作文带翻译
  • 父亲节日记_今天是父亲节英语作文带翻译
  • 猜你喜欢的父亲节英语作文