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发表时间:2020-03-25 ATG:作文 英语 送给 


  Children, do you know what festival it is today? Haha, you guessed it right. It's father's day today. Do you want to know what gift I give to my father? Haha, keep it secret for a while and let you know.


  Dad is very busy with his work every day. He doesn't have any festivals at all. Today, I want to give him a surprise to make him happy. After breakfast, I took a paper and folded an envelope, put in the gift prepared yesterday, and then went downstairs for a turn. After returning, I said mysteriously to Dad, "Dad, there is a letter in our mailbox." Dad said, "let's go and have a look." I went downstairs and opened the mailbox. I took out the letter and went back to the house. Dad looked at it and said, "who gave us this letter? Why there is no name?" I smiled and said, "I don't know." Dad opened the letter and looked at it. Suddenly he picked me up and said loudly, "it's you naughty devil!" Dad, do you like the gift I gave you? "I asked holding dad's head. Dad said: "like! Like! Thank you for your gift!" looking at the happy smile on dad's face, I said heartily: "Dad, happy holidays! I love you!".


  Children, can you guess what gift I gave my father? Let me tell you, it's a picture that I drew for my father. It's a picture that my father rides a bicycle and travels around the world with his baby.

上一篇:关于父亲节英语作文600字范文带翻译:谢谢你 下一篇:关于父亲节的英语作文范文带翻译500字
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