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发表时间:2020-03-25 ATG:作文 父爱 英语 

  Some people say that mother love is like water, father love is like mountain. Indeed, fatherly love is deep and hard to detect. Sometimes, a simple greeting, a happy smile, can make the father feel the love of his child.


  It was last Sunday, the third Sunday in June, father's day. After supper, I lay on the sofa thinking how to say hello to my father. After a while, dad finished washing the dishes and came to watch TV. I also want to have a good wish for my father. So I went to my father, cleared my throat, and said loudly, "Dad, today is father's day. I wish you a happy father's day.". "What do you say?" Dad didn't seem to hear me clearly, and his face was puzzled. I can't help it. I swallowed my saliva and said loudly again, "Dad, today is father's day. I wish you a happy father's day, a smooth job and a bright future!"


  Dad listened, the whole person slightly a Leng, eyes also gradually red. Then, Dad gently grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to the sofa. My father said to me in a rare soft voice: "my child, you have the heart enough. Mom and dad all hope that you can study hard, grow up to be able to contribute to the family and society. " "OK, Dad, I promise you, I will study hard." I solemnly made a promise. Gradually, many fragments appeared before my eyes. I remembered that my father would leave me water when I was thirsty


  Can't help, my eyes are misty, how much did our parents pay for us, and how much did we repay them?


  Students, let us with a grateful heart, to thank our parents for all we have! And the way of expression, you can use a greeting, a smile, a greeting card

上一篇:爸,父亲节快乐_关于父亲节的英语作文带翻译 下一篇:父亲节的礼物_关于父亲节的礼物英语作文带翻译
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