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发表时间:2019-09-03 ATG:世界上 作文 英语 



  I once asked my mother such a question: "Mom, do you love me or my brother?" After a silence, my mother gave me such an answer: "Do you think I love my left hand or my right hand?" Immature I actually answered: "I think it should be based on personal hobbies!" Mother's face suddenly became serious, and then she remained silent.


  Mother always said that she was busy, and every time I needed her, she was always "invisible." I always complained about why she only wanted to make money, regardless of my brother and I. Every time I was bullied, I thought of my mother, but never saw her. Every time when my neighbor's children ate ice cream, I wanted my mother to buy me one, but before I could speak, she was busy going to the construction site. Every time other parents sent their children to school, I longed for my mother to hold my hand. Hold me tight and take me to school, but know it is hopeless "illusion".


  Mother never came to school to see me, until once I was called to my parents for stealing fruit from my classmates, my mother rushed over from the construction site. What I didn't expect was that my mother was wearing the "dirty" overalls, because her mother was doing painting work, the whole person was like being sprayed with flour, her hands were just like steel. As in the end, when I saw my mother, I felt embarrassed. When my classmates saw her, they laughed loudly. I blushed and stared at her and ran out.


  On the way home, my mother always kept silent. I wished she could read me in pieces. Suddenly, she trotted to the shop near the school and came back in a hurry. She had a heart-shaped fruit pillar in her hand: "Lier, eat it quickly." Suddenly I think I'm too good. Why do I hate my mother because of her clothes? I put fruit pillars into my mouth one by one, sweet, but so short, and then became astringent, tears instantly fell on the heart-shaped fruit pillar box. At that time, I realized that the person who loves you most in the world is Niang. She can accommodate all of you. At one time, I thought that my mother did not care about me. I was wrong. In fact, she wanted me to learn to stand on my own feet and not always rely on others. Although I drew her attention in that way, I finally knew that my mother loved me most.


  That day, I suddenly clamored to sleep with my mother. I put my arms around her neck and listened to her talk about my childhood. Under the bright light, I suddenly found that my mother had more wrinkles on her forehead and grey hair on her temples. Usually, I had two white hair. My mother would worry about it. Now, her hair almost changed. White, but I ____________.


  With the passage of time, my mother is getting old. She is busy running all day for our family. I always don't understand her and complain about her. I'm wrong. My mother gave me life. She always wants to give me the best things in the world. She gives me all her love.


  For each of our children, parents are their own day, to support everything for you, no matter where you are in the future, what you are doing, please do not forget the world's most loved people or parents, your day!

上一篇:关于描写我的妈妈高中英语作文带翻译篇3 下一篇:关于难忘的第一次英语作文800字带翻译
  • 关于我的朋友高中英语作文带翻译篇5
  • Mother's Birthday 母亲节
  • 优秀高中英语作文:第一次上讲台
  • Air Around Us 我们周围的空气
  • 猜你喜欢的高二英语作文