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发表时间:2019-12-10 ATG:作文 英语 母亲节 


  Day by day night, day by day, the medicine stove on the case platform is emitting slowly green smoke, and all kinds of Chinese medicines are placed in the medicine cabinet orderly, bending over and working in the hazy smoke


  This is my mother. May Day holiday is coming. When other mothers have already relaxed and played happily with their children, my mother is one of the workers who stick to the front line for their happiness. I leaned against the door and looked at my mother. It's hard enough to work in the daytime. But when it's quiet at night, I have to prepare for the treatment of the patients the next day. My father is a Western doctor who doesn't know how to cook medicine. I couldn't bear to watch my mother's sweat drop in the smoke. I went up and said, "Mom, give me the prescription. I'll help you.


  At first, my mother disagreed with me, but I insisted on my mother's promise again and again. I pulled as many prescriptions from my mother's hands as possible. On the first one, it said, "three liang of ephedra, three liang of going to festivals, three liang of peony, half liter of Schisandra, three liang of dried ginger, three liang of roasted licorice, three liang of asarum, three liang of cinnamon twigs, and peeling." from childhood, I saw my mother's treatment, and the herbs were generally recognized. I prepared them A small scale, grasp the Chinese medicine on the prescription, put it on the scale, and measure it well. The weight of cinnamon twigs is very large, often five or six twigs are enough for three or two. In order to control the quantity accurately, I divide one into two, and stabilize the weight in successive addition and subtraction.


  The decocting method of traditional Chinese medicine is very important, only mastering the correct decocting method can give full play to the efficacy. Incorrect decocting method will greatly reduce the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine.


  First, I soak the herbs in cold water for 50-60 minutes. If it's flowers, leaves, grass and other drugs with sparse and soft texture, it can soak for 50 minutes. If it's roots, stems, seeds, skins and other hard drugs, it needs to soak for about 60 minutes. Sufficient immersion can make the effective ingredients in the medicine dissolve into the water quickly. Ephedra, Schisandra chinensis and cinnamon are all hard herbs that need to be soaked for 60 minutes. Paeony, roasted licorice and asarum are soft herbs. Too long immersion will make the efficacy of the herbs released in advance not reach the maximum medical effect, so they need to be soaked separately in water.


  During this period, you can go to grab the medicine of another prescription and start to soak it. When I was ready to open the frying furnace in the filling machine, my mother stopped me: "boil with the frying pot, the heat conduction of the frying pot is slow, the heat is even, and the heat preservation effect is good. Do not use metal utensils, because metal utensils are easy to boil water dry. Metals may react with the ingredients in the medicine to produce toxins, which is not good for the patient's health. " Mother said as she brought the frying pan.


  I was immediately moved by my mother's dedication. I need to know that the filling machine is a production line for traditional Chinese medicine. As long as I put the medicine in it, I don't need to worry about it anymore. But my mother did her best, even though she still used the decoction pot to cook the medicine by hand at night. But I just took a little trouble in my study and wanted to be lazy and flinch.


  I put the medicine into the purple sand of the decoction pot. The edge of the pot reflects the halo of the daytime light. When the water is poured into the pot, it also gives a white luster. When the water is less than one centimeter of the medicine, I turn off the water, turn on the switch of the decoction pot, and turn around to pick up another pot.


  After about 30 minutes, I boil it well. I take out the medicine juice and start the second decoction, which is the second decoction. During this period, my mother does all the works, because I can't control the fire well, and I can't stir the medicine for more than 30 minutes like my mother.


  Looking at my mother's silver hair in the water vapor, my heart was deeply hurt. Finally, my mother cooked the medicine and went to sleep, but I had already fallen asleep in the hospital bed.


  My angel mother, although you can't stay with me all the time, let me feel the warmth of my family around me all the time, but you have made a strong day for my life! I see from you what is the true angel virtue!

上一篇:关于家乡的四季800字英语作文带翻译 下一篇:关于描写我的妈妈高中英语作文带翻译篇6
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