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发表时间:2020-04-19 ATG:走了 我爱 作文 


  The cold wind took the winter away, and the swallow from the South brought the warm spring. White clouds float in the blue sky. The ice in the river melts and flows to the distance with a loud song. The grass came out of the earth, stuck out its sharp little head, and put on a green dress for the earth. You see, the pink one is peach blossom, the white one is magnolia, the red one is apricot blossom, the fan one is pear blossom, the butterfly one is orchid, there are spherical ones, there are bowl-shaped ones, there are single-layer ones, there are multi-layer ones, there are scattered ones, there are many flowers All the flowers are blooming, and from time to time they emit a refreshing fragrance. Willows sprouted, danced in the breeze, and looked like a little girl with a long pigtail. Birds are chirping in the branches, as if singing a song of spring.


  On the grass, children fly kites happily. A kite flies up to the sky. Suddenly, flowers bloom in the sky. It's very beautiful. Adults also take fishing gear to the river to fish. They sit in their chairs and wait for the fish to hook. Farmers also began to work hard, fertilization, sowing, transplanting seedlings. A busy scene appeared in the field.


  Spring flowers are blooming, the wind is blowing on your face, the sunshine is bright and the color is boundless. What a beautiful spring! It's so colorful and beautiful.

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