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发表时间:2020-04-19 ATG:春天 作文 英语 


  Spring is not only a season full of vitality, but also a beautiful, magical and hopeful season.

  春天到了,各种绚丽的花朵都开放了,都是那么绚丽夺目。田里农民伯伯种的油料作物——油菜花也开了。金黄的油菜花,成了蝴蝶的天地,美丽的蝴蝶在金黄色的舞台上跳着柔和而优美的舞姿。 他们一会儿在空中飞舞,一会儿静静地停留在油菜花上。正是这样,给春天也增添了不少乐趣。油菜花的美丽,同时也吸引了不少“劳动人民”——蜜蜂,蜜蜂总是不分昼夜地不辞劳地给油菜花授粉。 偶尔一阵微风吹来,金黄的油菜花立刻涌起了高低起伏的“金浪花”。远远望去,实在令人美不胜收!

  When spring comes, all kinds of gorgeous flowers are in full bloom. The oilseed crop of the farmer's uncle, the rape flower, is also in bloom. The golden rape flower has become the world of butterflies. The beautiful butterflies dance softly and gracefully on the golden stage. They are flying in the air and staying quietly on the rape flowers. Just like this, it also adds a lot of fun to spring. The beauty of rape flower also attracts many "working people" - bees, who always pollinate rape flower day and night. Occasionally a breeze blows, and the golden rape flowers immediately surge up the "golden spray". Looking from afar, it's really beautiful!

  春天是人们所向往的季节,人们总是在这个季节里做好了自己的打算,俗话说:“一天之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。”它正告诉我们:一年的愿望应该在春天计划好,一天之中最重要的时间是早 晨,在春天里,人们就开始耕田插秧、栽树等之类的农活。候鸟们也从南方迁到北方来了,为田地里劳作的农民们喝彩。鸟儿有的站在高树上,有的干脆在田坎上,还有的立在“五线谱”上。正是这样 ,使田地里的农民倍感到欢乐,一切都热闹起来了。

  Spring is the season that people yearn for. People always make their own plans in this season. As the saying goes, "the plan of a day is in the morning, and the plan of a year is in spring." It is telling us that the wishes of a year should be planned in spring. The most important time of the day is in the morning. In spring, people begin to work in fields such as transplanting seedlings, planting trees, etc. The birds also moved from the south to the north, cheering the farmers who worked in the fields. Some birds stand on tall trees, some simply on the ridge, and others on the staff. It was in this way that the farmers in the fields were more than happy, and everything became lively.


  In spring, animals wake up from their deep sleep. The grass began to sprout, and the earth was full of prosperity. At a glance, everywhere is a green scene, like a watercolor.


  Spring is really beautiful!

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