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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:抗击 疫情 一课 


  In 2020, when the new year's bell rings, it is not the lights of the house, but the epidemic outbreak in silence.


  The spread of new tube equipment virus is like wildfire, the people of the whole country are like grass away from the tableland, falling into a bitter battle. A batch of people rush to the front line, a batch of people fall down, a batch of people stand up, the wildfire is endless, and the spring breeze blows again. The medical staff who are sleepless to save the lives and help the wounded, the scientific researchers who are hard-working to develop new drugs, the police who are rushing to maintain public order, the boss who is making a loss business for the front-line staff to eat, and the netizens who are worried about donating masks to take on the important task ahead This is a disaster, but also a tough line, the whole society's love and good, strong and pay together, string into a warm and powerful force. In this epidemic situation, as students, we may not be able to fight against the enemy, but we can support our own responsibilities and responsibilities, try not to go out, wear masks, protect ourselves, and let the front people worry about us in the rear.


  In the extended vacation, we can calm down to think about ourselves and nature. The origin of the disease is just a small bat. A bat that we don't pay attention to. The ignorance and ignorance of human beings violate the laws of nature, and the creator punishes human beings to ring the alarm. In the process of urbanization and science and technology, living standards soar forward, science and technology change with each passing day, but human beings lose their awe of nature in the sense of arrogant satisfaction. At this time, struggling in the predicament, we should not only seize the hope of life, but also regain the awe of nature, and not repeat the same mistakes. Man and nature are one. We should live in harmony with nature instead of harming and destroying nature. With the attitude of respecting nature, we can return to the true in the development.


  We can settle down to study. What do you want to learn? Learn lessons, learn to take responsibility, learn to love and learn to be mature. In the new era, we will not be overturned by the current wind and waves. We can also learn independently at home, strive for the top, do not fall behind our lessons, and arm ourselves with knowledge. Share some housework with parents and let them breathe after work. Will be moved into practice, faith into the struggle, grow up in difficulties, mature in adversity, let aids power, forge ahead, become a better self.


  "With love, spring will not be far away." Ice and snow will melt, and the sucking of spring will bring new life to the people in the bitter battle. The dawn of victory is at hand. Let us take the attitude of respecting nature and learning to welcome the spring to welcome the bright future together.

上一篇:关于《开学第一课》抗击2020肺炎疫情的观后感初中英语作文范文带翻译 下一篇:关于回顾2020展望2021的英语作文带翻译
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