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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:先进事迹 观后感 抗击 


  They are not afraid, but before major public health events, all people can retreat and avoid, but the mission and responsibility of doctors make them choose to go backward without hesitation; they are not homesick, but for the sake of peace of thousands of families, they must stay in the front line of joint prevention and control of the epidemic; They don't dislike freedom, but on the way of the whole people's anti epidemic, only their perseverance can bring them closer to victory In front of the epidemic, they are different. They can't do ordinary things, but they are all the same. They are all fighting against the epidemic!


  They are no longer 17 years old. They are still retrograde. 17 years ago, when SARS broke out, Zhong Nanshan, 67, stood up and said, "send all the serious patients to me." 17 years later, he was 84 years old and went to battle again. 17 years ago, Xiaotangshan, the world's largest first-class infectious disease hospital, was built in seven days and nights. 17 years later, 10 days and nights of "Huoshen mountain" were officially delivered. 24 hours later, Wuhan Optical Valley Science and Technology Exhibition Center was transformed into "fangcang hospital"; Novel coronavirus was replaced by the cardiovascular physician of the Third Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University 17 years ago because of SARS. After 17 years, he met the predecessors to fight the new coronavirus. 17 years ago, he fought all over the country to fight the SARS frontiers in the whole country, and then resolutely fought for it again after 17 years. 17 years ago and 17 years later, what remained unchanged was that the original mission of the Communists was handed down from generation to generation. These novel coronavirus pneumonia figures again appeared 17 years ago. They stood up in the battle against the epidemic, fought in retrograde, held firm in danger, and demonstrated the determination to fight against the new crown pneumonia with action.


  They are no longer parents, children, they are still the guardian of the peace of their families. There is such a group of people, they have no oath meeting, no letter of invitation, just because of a call, a notice to the post in place. They warned everyone not to go out and have family members to care about, but they went to the front line of epidemic prevention and control, to investigate and publicize. They are the cadres and volunteers at the grass-roots level in the countryside, the contacts of the masses and organizations, and the unknown "war epidemics". They don't have police uniform, rescue suit and isolation suit. They only have a most common mask and a face familiar to villagers. They walk around the house to check information every day, and they change into "buying on behalf of others", "delivering dishes" and "loudspeakers" to "serve the people" in detail. They can't care for their elderly parents and young children. They put the life and health of the common people first, implement all kinds of decisions and arrangements on epidemic prevention and control, forget to sleep and eat, fight in the front line of the epidemic, and guard the first "breakwater" in the community.


  They are no longer free to go in and out, they still love life. This period of time is the most difficult Spring Festival holiday experienced by the people of the whole country, especially for the people of Wuhan. After the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Wuhan, Wuhan people did not abandon themselves to their own desires. They chose to sing the National Anthem from the most serious, most complex and challenging area of the new crown pneumonia in China, to cheer for Wuhan and cheer for themselves. In their spare time, the patients of "fangcang hospital" fight magic cube, do exercises, read books, fight and dance with medical staff in the square Their lives are richer than we think. All of these convey the optimism and strong determination of Wuhan people to defeat the epidemic. They bravely face the severe epidemic, smile and march towards a warm spring. Wuhan is a city of heroes. Now, heroes from all walks of life gather together and gather strength. I believe that they are fully capable of winning the final victory of this epidemic prevention and control interdiction war with the fastest speed and the lowest cost. Wuhan wins, Hubei wins, Hubei wins, the whole country wins!


  In the field of anti epidemic, some people cut their hair, pack up their clothes, and make a solemn oath They are all different and the same. In this "epidemic" of the national war, they share the same breath, destiny and heart, and gather the great power of the "epidemic" of the national war!

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