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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:作文 英语 疫情 


  In severe cases, we stay at home every day and don't want to go out. But there are many people who serve the country while we are at home. They are not passive but active.


  Let's talk about the angels in white. They give selflessly every day, and they don't even go home for the new year. I remember a news report said that when nurses from other provinces and regions came, they had one thing with them, that is, diapers. Do you think it's funny? The reason why they had diapers was that they could only hold them when they worked for several hours without going to the bathroom. These diapers helped them, and a nurse came to Wuhan by bike all night. I just met the mayor at that time. The mayor asked her, "who are you and why are you staying at home?" and she said, "I am a nurse. If the country is in trouble, I should stand up." the mayor heard that, "it's so nice for the country to have you!" and sent her to the hospital by car.


  On February 2, 2020, the huoshenshan hospital received encouraging news. More than 1000 beds in 10 days. Huoshenshan hospital is completed!


  Huoshenshan hospital was completed in only ten days, which is undoubtedly the Savior of Wuhan. What's more, there are air conditioners, TVs and 5g networks in every room of huoshenshan hospital. It's very surprising! Those workers have created a miracle, because of them, we have the courage and death fighting for time.


  Pneumonia is a novel coronavirus infection. I would like to express my appreciation to the anti epidemic pioneers for their unremitting and fearless spirit of moving forward. They are our model.

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