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发表时间:2020-03-02 ATG:观后感 英语 一课 


  If you are worried about enlightenment, it will be difficult for you to prosper. 2020 is destined to be an extraordinary year. Entering the new year, a rare outbreak of fierce Meng came to us, disrupting our normal study and life.


  In the face of the epidemic test, on February 10, Yongkang Education Bureau broadcast the "first lesson" on Yongkang TV station to encourage thousands of students to pursue their dreams and strive at the right time.


  We were supposed to start school as scheduled, standing on the playground facing the sun, and opening the first chapter of the new semester with the national anthem. However, due to the epidemic, we were forced to stay at home for the whole holiday. We have experienced pain and hope together in this holiday, and because of this, the first lesson of this school is particularly sacred and precious! In front of the TV, students stand upright, raise their right hands, five fingers together, hold their heads high, promise to the five-star red flag, aim high, study hard, exercise their bodies, work hard, cultivate their sentiment, temper their will, and make unremitting efforts, Be an actor in the new era. Teachers and students of our school have said after watching that there are more ways than difficulties. At home, such as at school, they have to rest and fight against the epidemic to the end.


  No winter is insurmountable, no spring will not come. I believe that with the concerted efforts of teachers, students, schools and all parties, we will win this anti epidemic war as soon as possible! When spring comes and everyone returns to campus, we will start a new journey!

上一篇:关于初中生面对疫情我该怎么做英语作文范文带翻译 下一篇:关于开学第一课观后感500字优秀初中英语作文范文带翻译
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