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发表时间:2020-03-18 ATG:国庆节 小学英语 翻译 


  On October 1, my uncle, aunt and sister went to Fuzhou zoo together.


  After buying the ticket, we took a long-distance bus to Fuzhou. The scenery along the way was beautiful and pleasant: tall and straight bamboo stood like loyal warriors on the road; birds flew freely in the sky, and their mouths sang happily from time to time; white clouds in the sky were of different shapes, some like mighty lions; some like clever little monkeys; some like a group of sheep walking in the sky. Unconsciously, we got lunch time. After we got off, we went to McDonald's for dinner.


  After lunch, we came to Fuzhou zoo. "Look, the sea lion show is on!" I shouted. We managed to squeeze up a small hillside and stood watching. We can't help laughing when we see a sea lion's lovely appearance.


  After watching the sea lion show, we went to the "Monkey Mountain" in the North District. We have been walking for a long time, but we haven't arrived yet. "Why hasn't it arrived - ah!!" I cried impatiently. "It's almost there." My uncle said. After a long and long walk, we arrived at "Monkey Mountain". A monkey is shuttling between trees. In particular, the gibbon, holding the root of the tree in both hands and swinging forward with both feet, made a 360 degree circle in the air. When the pedestrians saw it, they clapped for it. It seemed to like this, and turned several circles in succession. We went down the "Monkey Mountain" and went to the beast arena. "Roar" a tiger leaps over the fire circle and wins the warm applause of the whole audience; the lion is hanging the circle with its tail; the monkey "three swordsmen" is cycling back and forth on their own bikes, and the antelope "Snow White" and "three swordsmen" boss "blowing snow" are walking steel wire in the air; the bear couple performed the bicycle chase race for us and won the applause of the whole audience. After watching the arena program, we reluctantly went home.


  Today, although I am very tired, I am very happy.

上一篇:关于国庆节的小学英语日记带翻译:不能乱扔垃圾 下一篇:我的爷爷是花迷英语作文300字带翻译
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